Application Inviting for recruitment for different post under XV-FC (HG) and NHM at CMOH, Dakshin Dinajpur

District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, Dakshin Dinajpur will engage different categories of employees against sanctioned posts under XV Finance Commission-Health Grant for Financial year 2023-2024 and NHM on purely contractual basis and Temporary engagement of Covid.

Online applications are invited in the website from the eligible candidates for engagement of different categories of posts on purely contract basis from 12-06-2023 to 27-06-2023 up to 11.59 pm. The candidates must submit their application through online only. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete are liable to be cancelled. Application fees in form of Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- for General categories and Rs. 50/- for Reserved categories have to be deposited during documents verification. The amount is non-refundable.

Full Notification Download Link: Download Here

Application Start Date: 12-06-2023

Last Date of Apply: 27-06-2023 up to 11.59 pm.

Important Details :
1. The candidates must submit their application through online only. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete are liable to be cancelled.
2. If proper signature and photograph is not uploaded at the time of online application that application shall also liable to be cancelled.
3. The essential criterion mentioned above is mandatory.
4. Score of FMG Examination of foreign MBBS applicants is to be considered as equivalent to ‘ the score of final MBBS examination and merit list should be prepared accordingly.
5. Hard copy / print out copy of the online registration form (printed within the last date of online application), should be retained by all applicants for document verification purpose.
Employer is not liable to give any information regarding the online registration number in future. Without online registration form, no candidates will be entertained for original
testimonials verification by the authority. No need to send any hard copy/ print out copy of the online registration form along with the relevant documents by post or by hand.
6. The above posts are purely contractual basis and will be valid up to 31.03.2023 which may be renewed on the basis of satisfactory performance.
7. Percentage of marks will be calculated on the basis of 2 decimal points.
8. An application fees in form of Demand Draft of Rs. 100.00 for General applicant and Rs. 50.00 for reserved categories to be submitted during documents verification. The Demand
Draft should be in favor of District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, Dakshin Dinajpur payable at Balurghat. The amount is not-refundable. Candidature will be cancelled for non
submission of Demand Draft during documents verification.
9. The candidate if found ineligible at any stage of recruitment process will not be called for the subsequent stages ofthe selection process.
10. Upper age relaxation will be given as per Government norms.
1 1. In case of experience certificate, the duration of experience must be clearly mentioned. Experience certificate must consist the name of the post, Employee’s name, date of joining
and period of service, otherwise the experience certificates will be treated as invalid. Engagement letter or any other will not be treated as experience certificate.
12. One candidate may apply for multiple posts if s/he is eligible.
13. Failure to submit / mismatch of documents / providing false information of any requisite documents is liable to cancellation of candidature.
14. No TA /DA will be paid to the candidates for the document interview etc



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